It’s arguably impossible to see things completely objectively. You are, after all, human and therefore bound to the process of interpretation. We can only make sense of any data we receive through the same meaning making processes that are already flavoured from our past experiences and stories. We can, however, train ourselves to get better at ‘getting out of the way’. We can improve our ability to ‘see more clearly’.

The practise of mindfulness (whether in dedicated form; meditation, or integrated; whilst doing something), is essentially the practise of noticing data without making it mean anything. Another way of putting this is: noticing anything that shows up in your conscious awareness and dropping any stories or commentary that usually goes with it. Yes, it’s easier said than done. But it’s a practise and a skill that you can improve with repetition.

In other words, what you are doing is simply noticing information without putting your slant/bias/beliefs on it. This can bring you closer to observing ‘what’s going on’ objectively and therefore more clearly. Of course, after clear observation, it is then necessary to interpret, perceive, make sense and then decisions. But if you can have the initial ability to be as unbiased as possible, you will have a much better chance of broader perspective.

How important is it to you to be the best leader you can be? Or even just the best version of you as a person you can be. Is it important enough to dedicate just a few minutes each day to a practise of cultivating clarity?